第29回 西日本中学生6人制ホッケー選手権大会

2006.12.2-3 @滋賀県立伊吹運動場

1st day

This tournament is the first big game for new teams. ...For the Top of Western Japan.

Before geme, they would try short corner hits.

Ibukiyama boys' first primary game was with Fukui Sabae club.

They won the game by a score of 3-0. Because their body size are compact, they must run fast and quickly.

Ibukiyama girls' primary was a game with Inaba(Gifu)

They could dribble fast and pass quickly, so they could turn to their advantage.

At the short corner(penalty corner), they would hit the ball ...smilingly.

Ibukiyama B team also played the game with Gifu Chuo. They won by a score with 3-1. But they lost the game with Kanda(Toyama).

The boys' next primary was a geme with Tottori Chuo.

The battle was presented.

They were small but storong.

They won the game.

Also they won the game with Shimizu(Shizuoka). 7-0

They could use all space of the field.

to be continued
